General issues

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Joined: 04 April 2013, 15:02

General issues

Post by soundguymatt »

Hello everyone!

My boss bought a sweetlight remote a few weekss ago, but He didn't have much time to deal with it. Yesterday he gave it to me to study it.
I've downloaded the latest stable windows software, and started to do some basic lighting. I have two led cans home, so those are the test subjects. First, I created the room in 3d, that was ok. After that, I imported the fixture properties, found in the library, and addressed two fixtures channel 1 and 7, as well as the two cans connected to the controller. I created a short, colour changing sequence in the editor, which worked fine in the 3d window, and on the led cans as well. But after that, when I popped the scene into the live button page, every step of the sequence looked different, as in the editor (for example, only one of the two fixtures lid up, and which lid up, had a totally different color) and after one play, I couldn't do anything with the blind fixture in the editor, I had to restart the program to use it again. Loading the scene back to editor worked fine again. What can I do with this?
I've found some other bugs, but those can wait, without accurate live playback I can't go on.

Thanks for the answers!

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