Lighting Controller

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Lighting Controller

Post by Tuquet »

Sorry but I have found this to be pretty useless and difficult to master.

Fine if you want a programme to switch lights on and off in a chase sequence but for theatre use it just does not seem to be any good.

The manual is of little use as it does not explain how to achieve a live show which change and crossfade lights on the click of a button from one scene to the next.

I expected a proper light controller similar to any DMX controller not a glorified light switching programme.

Running a LIVE show in theatre mode appears to be impossible.

I am unable to get any support direct and so far the posts in this forum have been of little help as the detail of how to access the required result
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Re: Lighting Controller

Post by JohnRichards »

You have got to be joking.
I use it for theatre all the time.
Create the scenes, add them to live buttons and away you go.
Pink LD
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Re: Lighting Controller

Post by Pink LD »

I have done theatre Pink Floyd tribute shows with the software. I have over 300 minutes of music programmed. I've patched house fixtures into the show. Sure there is a learning curve but master a conventional before you master a 120k rig. Master a RGB & YW fixture and then different types of them. Master how one mover works and then put in 8, 10 or mire. It can be done and it can be done easily if you have the fundamentals down.. Then you can start building in common tricks and programming short cuts with in live, generate moving light, well hell any kind of light youlike with the Generator. Utilise the timeline or just keep Editor open to tweak and save snapshots to go over post show to tweak.
Whether I have used MagicQ from Chamsis, a Pearl Avo, a Frog, a Hog or whatever. You screw with, figure it out, make simple programmes and tweak, tweak and tweak some more.
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Re: Lighting Controller

Post by support »

The Lighting Controller
Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Re: Lighting Controller

Post by Pink LD »

Thank you Support.
I do remember quite clearly the first time I fired this equipment up. Yes there is a learning curve. I actually quit LD'ing TV sports and event broadcasting before I ever did more than concept displays of what I wanted to do with the software. I hung it up and 3 months later I was asked to return to LD'ing for the Project Pink: A Pink Floyd Tribute gig. I agreed provided I could use a software management system. They agreed, reluctantly.
This is a Floyd tribute gig, it's all about the lights and I was asked to emulate as many of the features that were seen in the '96 Division Bell tour. I had two months to write a package for all of Dark Side Of The Moon, 15 Best 0f hits, 3 encore numbers, AND patch in the house fixtures of the theatre for the debut show. It wasn't perfect but I won the band over with this software; that was 3 years ago.
Now they keep buying more lights after every show. The show this last spring 6 movers for our 20 foot circular projection screen arrived the morning of the show, I'd never even fired one of these movers up before but with the Generator I hit all 6 of the highlights they wanted in about 30 minutes during rehearsal.
It can be done in a theatre!

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