copy/past scenes OR values from one dimmer to another [fixed]

create scenes with steps
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copy/past scenes OR values from one dimmer to another [fixed]

Post by Hey_Mister_DJ »

I have Showxpress but limited knowledge.

I have scenes for a couple Chauvet Intimidator 450 moving heads that ideally I want to transfer over to 2 new moving heads (same brand/model)

I have 2 of them and each is on a different DMX address.
Created seperate scenes for color, movement and Zoom.

Now, I added 2 more units (seperate DMX address for each) and I created a seperate TAB for control.
So Tab one is for movers 1 & 2 then I created a new tab to control movers 3 & 4.

Is there an easy way to copy/past the scenes for movers 1 & 2 (tab one) over to movers 3 & 4 (tab two)?
I created a new folder in the C Drive/lighting controller/scenes

I understand I can open the scene from mover 1 & 2, then click EDIT and manually add movers 3 & 4 but then have to recreate all the fader assignment which will be tedious.

Or, question #2- if I do the above process, is there a way to copy the data from one fader and paste it onto another to speed up the process?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Is there a way to copy/past scenes OR values from one dimmer to another?

Post by support »

It is possible to copy all steps of a fixture to another one with a few mouse clicks.
We just made this small video to explain:
The Lighting Controller
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