Timeline - Band Live

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
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Timeline - Band Live

Post by wdewlen »

Could you add a feature to the timeline on ShowXpress? I am creating a timeline for my brother's band song that I imported from them playing live and wanted to see if there was a way to add where we could save the timeline with the red play button at a specific place on the timeline page and possibly adding a feature on the main page on that particular timeline button for that song to click and trigger the timeline to move the red play button. The reason for this is if the band gets off track on the song, I would like to have the ability to click on this button to get the lights back in sync with the music at a different part of the song, such as the chorus.
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Timeline.png (45.26 KiB) Viewed 333 times
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Re: Timeline - Band Live

Post by support »

We understand but this looks too complex to do.
In the meantime we suggest to use some "pause" blocks ; then you could re-sync at these moments by pressing the space bar.
The Lighting Controller
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