timeline button on fix

Smartphone application and slider for presets in Live
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timeline button on fix

Post by pogjack »

I just noticed while trying the Live_Mobile out that I am allowed to push a timeline button once (it'll gray) then turn it off. After that one time, when I push another timeline button it will not gray and when I push it again to try to stop it, it just starts back over. For the music part I am able to press a media button with music and stop the timeline's music and I can turn off the media button without a problem. I though it was the Live_Mobile, so I disconnect all the way out from the iphone and problem still excists. I noted that if I completely shut off the live and control panel and reopen show xpress, I am able to push once on any timeline (it'll gray) then turn it off (ungray). After that one time it will not gray and doesn't allow me to stop it, just restart the timeline.
I am running Windows XP.
I just updated this computer to the fix for 6.27. I honestly can't say it was working right before the fix.

I have just tried it on my Windows 7 computer which also has the fix for 6.27 and same issue.
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Joined: 16 October 2010, 22:56

Re: timeline button on fix

Post by pogjack »

I just looked at my third computer and it did not have the "fixed" Live file installed yet. I made a new timeline and tried it. It would allow me to start and stop any time I wanted. I installed the new "fixed" Live file and now it does as the issue describeb above.
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Joined: 16 October 2010, 22:56

Re: timeline button on fix

Post by pogjack »

Wanted to make sure you understood that this is not a live_mobile issue since this occurs on live using phone or not. It is a problem because the timeline does not stop.
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Re: timeline button on fix

Post by Niffo »

Right understood. It could be a problem linked to the new "Pause" functionality/tool of Timeline.
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Re: timeline button on fix

Post by Niffo »

Fixed for next release.
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Re: timeline button on fix

Post by support »

The Lighting Controller

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