Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

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Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by costas »

Hello to all,

The last few months we are facing a problem with the Live on Web browser. It doesn't load the settings from Live on the web browser via internet (https://live-mobile.thelightingcontroller.com/). We are working with that option for a long time and we never faced problems, except with https and insecure network requests that was solved manual, one way or another. Now it seems to be dead and the only way to be worked is by local html file.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by Niffo »

Please try with the non HTTPS url : http://live-mobile.thelightingcontroller.com

In fact, as they are updated, internet browsers no longer accept, by default, non-HTTPS external requests from an HTTPS URL.
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by costas »

Niffo wrote:Please try with the non HTTPS url : http://live-mobile.thelightingcontroller.com

In fact, as they are updated, internet browsers no longer accept, by default, non-HTTPS external requests from an HTTPS URL.
Sorry maybe I didn't explain the situation in depth.

I don't have problem with Websocket, the connection establish all the time, with all known browsers (Chrome, Mozilla, Edge,...) even if I use http or https, so I don't have security issues. Something is not loaded correctly in the body of the html and shows 3 empty tabs BUTTON-MISC-FADERS. Everything on the settings on Sweetlight is correct, passwords, IP's, Visibility on external devices, all is fine. This is happening in all my projects since August in different areas in different PC's with different lightshows. I restate this is happening only via internet not on local html or the apps. In addition Ι noticed that when I open html first via internet they block the application on android, Mac and the local html, and they present the same bug (Connected well with one button tab, one Misc. and one Fader tab all empty). It needs to restart software to normalize the service again!

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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by Niffo »

We made multiple tests with last versions of Firefox and Safari and did only encountered security issues at connexion time. For security issues, the best is to use the non HTTPS URL (as seen above) and "" (localhost) as local IP address. Only latest versions of Google Chrome seems to not allow connexion at all by default due to "CORS policy". We have added this to our "todo list" and will take a look as soon as possible.
What's weird is the symptom you describe (empty tabs) is exactly what would happen if "External control enable" was unchecked in the software's "Live settings" window.
Another lead could be a network issue on your end, like a too low MTU or something like that.
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by costas »

Yes indeed is very weird, is exactly like the external control in live settings be unchecked. I made some tests in three different location-city's, so, different network structures, different browsers, etc. and I noticed that if I refresh the page and make connection again and again, over 5 to 6 times, like a magic my live dashboard appeared and works!

My MTU is 1500 (Default Ethernet protocol) with no lost packets on ping command.
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by Niffo »

Good morning Niffo
I send to you some captures from my screen to see what happens on the payload of the Websocket. It seems that it doesn't get response HELLO (first 2 pictures). The third picture was produced after many refreshes on the page.
Hello Costas,
Thank you for the screenshots.
It's difficult to say what's happening without being able to reproduce the problem here.
Are there any errors in the "Console" tab of your browser ?
May be you can try with an empty password in Live.
Do you use Live_Mobile on the same computer than the software ?
If yes, please try with the IP address instead of
If no, please try on the same computer. May be there is a hardware or a firewall blocking something somewhere ?
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by costas »

The only issue is one error on the console about CORS and shows up even if the page load correctly or not.
I tried with empty password but nothing was changed.
I tried with but nothing.
I'm using Live_Mobile in different computers than the software runs and in the same. But I tried all these and on others venues and they have the same effect.
All them they have two common parameters, they run Windows and Chrome Ver.106.0.5249.119
I suspect something goes wrong with Chrome and blocks everything because when I restart Sweetlight Softwear and open Live_Mobile from Firefox the operation is normal.
But it will be great to hear from someone else that he or she has the same problem, or reproduced it, because it's nice not to be alone in this world :)
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by Niffo »

For now, with Chrome, it seems you have to disable CORS Policy (works here) :
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by costas »

I find a solution at chrome://flags/
I disabled the "Send Private Network Access preflights"
And I disabled the "Block insecure private network requests."
These works for me and solves the problem with Chrome Browser.
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Re: Web browser doesn't load buttons scenes

Post by Niffo »

Thank you for the feedback
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