Illumsolid - HY-350W

ask here the fixture profile you need for Editor

Illumsolid - HY-350W

Postby ROSENDO VAGABUNDO » 06 June 2021, 03:21

Hello.could you please make the profile for the HY-350w?...tnxs on advance.

Table Channel brief

1 PAN 0~255 Pan movement by 540

2 TILT 0~255 Tilt movement by 270

3 PAN fine 0~255 Fine control of pan movement

4 TILT fine 0~255 Fine control of tilt movement

5 XY Speed 0~255 Fast to slow

6 FROST 0~127 Close frost
128~155 Insert frost

7 STROBE 0-3 Close
4-103 Fadeout slow to fast
104-107 Open
108-207 Free Strobe slow to fast
208-212 Open
213-251 Pulse Strobe slow to fast
252-255 Open

8 DIMMER 0~255 Dimmer intensity from 0% to 100%

9 COLOR 0-4 White
5-9 White+Color1
10-14 Color1
15-19 Color1+Color2
20-24 Color2
25-29 Color2+Color3
30-34 Color3
35-39 Color3+Color4
40-44 Color4
45-49 Color4+Color5
50-54 Color5
55-59 Color5+Color6
60-64 Color6
65-69 Color6+Color7
70-74 Color7
75-79 Color7+Color8
80-84 Color8
85-89 Color8+Color9
90-94 Color9
95-99 Color9+Color10
100-104 Color10
105-109 Color10~Color11
110-114 Color11
115-119 Color11+Color12
120-124 Color12
125-129 Color12+Color13
130-134 Color13
135-139 Color13+白光
140-199 Forwards rainbow from fast to slow
200-255 Backwards rainbow from slow to fast

10 GOBO 0-4 White
5-9 Gobo1
10-14 Gobo2
15-19 Gobo3
20-24 Gobo4
25-29 Gobo5
30-34 Gobo6
35-39 Gobo7
40-44 Gobo8
45-49 Gobo9
50-54 Gobo10
55-59 Gobo11
60-64 Gobo12
65-69 Gobo13
70-74 Gobo14
75-79 Gobo15
80-125 Forwards rainbow from fast to slow
126-130 Stop
131-180 Backwards rainbow from slow to fast
181-185 Gobo1 Shake,Slow to fast
186-190 Gobo2 Shake,Slow to fast
191-195 Gobo3 Shake,Slow to fast
196-200 Gobo4 Shake,Slow to fast
201-205 Gobo5 Shake,Slow to fast
206-210 Gobo6 Shake,Slow to fast
211-215 Gobo7 Shake,Slow to fast
216-220 Gobo8 Shake,Slow to fast
221-225 Gobo9 Shake,Slow to fast
226-230 Gobo10 Shake,Slow to fast
231-235 Gobo11 Shake,Slow to fast
236-240 Gobo12 Shake,Slow to fast
241-245 Gobo13 Shake,Slow to fast
246-250 Gobo14 Shake,Slow to fast
251-255 Gobo15 Shake,Slow to fast

11 PRISM1 0-127 Close Prism
128-255 Insert Prism

12 PRISM1.ROT 0-127 0~400 degree
128-187 Forwards rainbow from fast to slow
188-195 Stop
196-255 Backwards rainbow from slow to fast

13 PRISM2 0-127 Close Prism
128-255 Insert Prism

14 PRISM2.ROT 0-127 0~400 degree
128-187 Forwards rainbow from fast to slow
188-195 Stop
196-255 Backwards rainbow from slow to fast

15 ZOOM 0~255 Zoom Large to small

16 RESET 100-105 Lamp Off (Over 3 seconds)
200-205 Lamp on(Over 3 seconds)
255 Reset all(over 3 seconds)
Posts: 4
Joined: 06 June 2021, 01:50

Re: Illumsolid-HY-350w

Postby support » 09 June 2021, 07:05

(sorry for the delay)
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 10572
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Illumsolid - HY-350W

Postby ROSENDO VAGABUNDO » 14 June 2021, 18:22

I appreciate so much,tnxs
Posts: 4
Joined: 06 June 2021, 01:50

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