Live button fade out flicker

create pages with buttons to trigger scenes

Live button fade out flicker

Postby jeremystiffler » 17 January 2019, 03:30

Okay, I’m learning a TON and really enjoying the software. My newest issue is a button fade out question.

Here’s the setup:

I have several par, ellipsis and LED lights set on a scene. The LEDs are giving me the problem. I have a dimmer channel that has several color settings on it then (at fader setting 216) it provides the ON for the light. So, imagine moving the fader up from fader setting 1 and every five gives you a new color until 216. So I know I can snap this to 216 and not have this insane flicker of different colors for a solid two seconds. But the issue I’m have now is I need the button to fade out smoothly when it is pressed. Despite having snap on, setting a button to Fade Out will revert each snap channel to fade, thus moving the fader back through a storm of color until it hits 0.

Is there a step I am missing to prevent this from happening or is this a request item to submit?

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Joined: 15 April 2018, 02:11

Re: Live button fade out flicker

Postby Pink LD » 17 January 2019, 21:40

There are several methods to get around this.
1. You can make a button that only has the values between the dimmer values.
2. I have footlights that do this. My solution was to leave the dimmer up on a button that is exempt from release all buttons and turn that button on Pre-Show. I then do all fades via the RGB faders.

Your situation may differ from mine, but there is almost always a solution.
Pink LD
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