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Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 06:53
by laurensbol
Hello, My customers has 4 universes.
universe 1 & 2 are connected on a Rack 1024,
Universe 3 & 4 are connected to another Rack 1024.

In the software both racks are working correct. It is possible to upload scenes to the controller.
There is one problem. Both racks are using the same timeline.
If a scene is uploaded to a button on rack 1, and you click on rack 2, the same scene is viewed. It is possible to put a new scene on it, upload it to rack2, but then rack1 is wrong.

WIll there be a nice solution for this weird problem.


Laurens Bol

Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 08:27
by support
There is one timeline for all interfaces.
The scenes in the timeline can contain lighting programs for all universes.
After upload process, each dmx interface will play the corresponding universe from the scene.

Before upload process, you have to select each dmx interface (at the upper right corner of the window), and configure its buttons settings.

Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 12:26
by laurensbol
Hello support,

I think I was nt 'quite clear.
We are looking in "StandAlone" tab in the software.
We uploaded a scene on the timeline for interface 1 (so with button 1-8 universe 1&2 can have 8 scenes).
then we choose the second interface.
On the timeline of interface 2 the scenes of interface 1 are visible.
Then, it is possible to change scenes and upload it to interface 2. But if interface 1 is choosed again, scens of interface 2 are then available.



Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 13:23
by support
All interfaces must be connected when you press the "Upload data" button.
In this example screenshot, two dmx interfaces are connected.
And each software universe of the timeline will be uploaded to the correct dmx interface.

And before upload process, you have to select each dmx interface (at the upper right corner of the window), and configure its buttons settings.

Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 13:38
by laurensbol
You are correct. Uploading is also working.
(In my screenshot the interfaces where not connected).
But the question is:
if buttons 1-8 on interface 1 are pressed (in the software not on the device), in timeline are the corresponding scenes visable.
if interface 2 is choosen, and buttons 1-8 are pressed you see scenes of interface 1 in timeline.
then when choosing a new scene to button 1 on interface 2, this one is visible on timeline with interface1.

So, I think the timeline in standalone tab, is only corresponding with buttons, and not with interfaces.



Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 10 June 2021, 15:36
by support
Yes, there is one timeline per button. And this timeline is for all dmx interfaces.
It is effectively not easy to see the selected button, so it is advised to press again the button you want to select, after selecting the interface.

Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 11 June 2021, 09:44
by laurensbol
Will this be changed in a future version of the lightning controller software?
Now we have the next problem:
Interface 1; button 1 => contains scene 1
Interface 1; button 2 => scene 2
Interface 2: Button 1 => scene 3
Interface 2: Button 2 => scene 4
We uploaded the scnes of interface 2 last, so this scenes are visable on the Timeline. (on button 1 and 2).
We want to change Interface 1, button 1 to scene 5.
What to do: click on interface 1, click on button 1, change scene to scene 5.
On Timeline is now visable:
- Interface 1- button 1: scene 5;
- Interface 1, button 2: scene 3.
If we upload it to interface 1, the wrong scenes are on the buttons.


Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 11 June 2021, 22:22
by support
Sorry but this is not possible to do.
There is one timeline per button for all universes (so all dmx interfaces)..
Each timeline is for all universes, and it is patched to the same button of all interfaces.

Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 12 June 2021, 12:52
by laurensbol
Thanx for your response.
Is it possible to add this function in a future release of the software.


Re: Multiple Rack1024 4 universes

Posted: 14 June 2021, 08:29
by support
Just noted for now, and waiting to see if other users need that or not.