Latest software upgrade (the "fix" file)

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Latest software upgrade (the "fix" file)

Post by support »

First of all, the fix file is suitable for all software, and for all OS. The "fix" file contains an EXE + an APP files file which fixes a problem freshly reported in the forum. Sometimes, it includes a DLL + a DYLIB files. When present, these files must be installed together with the EXE/APP files.

These files will be included in the next complete software setup. In the meantime, we give you the possibility to use it before waiting for the next complete software setup. When existing, the fix file is available here:
https://download.thelightingcontroller. ... ew/
When there is no available fix file, this means the complete software contains the most recent files.

The fix file is not a self install file. To install it, you have to proceed like this:

1. download "", and extract the files from the zip
2. locate your software folder
3. replace the files in your software folder by the extracted files
Under Windows, you have to replace the EXE file, and the DLL file (when existing)
Under MacOS, you have to open the DMG file, extract the files from the DMG file, replace the APP file, and the DYLIB file (when existing)

Please note that when they are DLL/DYLIB files. The previous EXE/APP software will not work anymore. So, if you wish to keep the old software, please make a copy of the original folder, before installing the fix files.

When there is a folder called "language", this means the text in the software has been updated. To see this new text in the software, please copy the ini files ("english.ini", ..., "spanish.ini") in the folder "../language/" of your software.

Please note that this operation requires some computer knowledge.
If you make a mistake (the software does not work anymore), just re-install the complete software to come back to the original setting.
If this operation looks too complex, please wait for the next complete software setup (which is self install).
The Lighting Controller

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