midi control for programming

live control with midi devices
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Re: midi control for programming

Post by support »

Thank you for this explanation.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: midi control for programming

Post by julzn »

+1 for MIDI Support in steps screen

I want to map the faders shown in the current selection with midi (independent on the fixture), so that I can easily set up my scenes that are used in timeline for individual choregraphies.

my workflow:
lets say we have 4 LED Bars (channels dim, r, g, b) and all are selected, 16 faders are shown. so when i move the 1st (midi) fader, all dims move in sync (same as with mouse).
I then save the scene, create a new one, select a moving head (channels pan, tilt,...) and change the pan with the same 1st (midi) fader.
I switch to timeline, insert the scenes test them live or 3DView.
I open a scene (from timeline context edit, or file open) change existing values, disable dmx/3D output in timeline, test them in steps editor by enabling dmx/3D, save the scene, disbale dmx/3D output, enable dmx/3d in timeline and test with music.

everytime the faders change (by selection or opening a scene) the value of the faders should be written out to midi so that the encoders/motorized faders are synced with them.
Keep in mind, that this can be disturbing when not using motorised faders or encoders (because as soon as you change the selection and move the fader, the current value is overwritten) » for hardware presonus faderport could be used

+ midi map to select groups (currently keyboard).
+ midi map to the En/Disable DMX Output and 3D View for Timeline and Steps (or change current behaviour to only have dmx/3d output in one screen, so that the timeline dmx output gets disabled, once the dmx output is activated in steps editor)

I really appreciate your work
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Re: midi control for programming

Post by Aymerik »

You talk about FaderPort® 8 Production Controller.

But when I check on chatgpt if this controler is fine to work with sweetlight, he seems to say to take care of something about faders and feedbacks from the software.

"To use the FaderPort 8 in MIDI mode, you can activate this mode by pressing both Shift buttons on the controller simultaneously. This switches the FaderPort 8 to MIDI mode, where it sends standard MIDI CC messages used by many composition and production software. However, it is important to note that this mode does not allow receiving feedback from the software regarding the fader positions or LED button synchronization, which could be a factor to consider depending on your workflow".

Because you said in the previous post that having motorized faders is important, I'm not sure using FaderPort® 8 with sweetlight..

Does someone can confirm it works ?
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