Compatible midi devices.

live control with midi devices
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Compatible midi devices.

Post by support »

There is a "midi in" and a "midi out" option for the buttons and sliders in our software (in screen "Live").

The "midi in" section has a "learn" function, which means: press the midi button or move the midi slider, and our software will catch the midi message and link it to the corresponding button/slider in our software. It is also possible to manually set all midi parameters.

The "midi out" section allows to send one midi message when a button in Live is pressed. The "midi out" message is oftently used to drive the LED of the midi button (our software returns one midi message after each "midi in" message). We check the option "Clone midi in" to return the same midi message (channel, type, data1). And you just will have to adjust manually the two last parameters "data2 on/off" according to the specifications of the midi device. The reason of this required manual adjustment is each midi device model has its own protocole to drive its buttons LEDs.

The software is presently able to manage the following midi messages: NoteOn, NoteOff, ControlChange and ProgramChange.

Our software works with almost all midi devices sending these midi messages.. We just meet one problem with the device "Elation Midicon": our software is not able to manage the midi messages sent by the midi rotary encoders ( ... =76&t=5282). There is no problem with the midi buttons of this device.

It is possible to link more than one midi device simultenaously to our software.

You will find the midi tutorials here: ... =76&t=3306
The Lighting Controller

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