Low cost USB-DMX SW, map show to mp3

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Low cost USB-DMX SW, map show to mp3

Post by johnshenry »

Sorry if this gets asked all the time here. I want to employ some moving DMX fixtures during a Halloween Party this year. I have a couple Martin MX-1s and will get a few more moving head lights, maybe 6-8 fixtures in total. I have been researching DMX SW, Showxpress, venuemagic, sweetlight, etc. I also know that I will need to buy a USB to DMX dongle.

What I want to do is edit some SFX and 2-3 songs/mp3s together (I have SW for that already), then create a show synced to the track. So when I play the track, the show commands are pushed out the DMX interface to the fixtures. I'm not looking for free SW but I'd like to get a solution for a few hundred bucks if possible. I have plenty of time to learn it and don't need fancy 3D modeling or anything, I am sure 512 channels is enough. This will just be used in my home for the party. I am a retired engineer and former DJ, not intimidated by this kind of tech. Will run from a Win10 laptop.

Thanks for any guidance....
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Joined: 03 April 2017, 02:28

Re: Low cost USB-DMX SW, map show to mp3

Post by SeekLighting »

Hey mate, not sure exactly what you're asking.

This forum is a technical support forum for users of Sweelight, QuickDMX and ShowXpress software.

All three of those products are the same software, and can all do exactly what you're asking. You're looking at a cost of about $600AUD for a single universe interface to go with the program (not sure what currency you're using). Are you after any other specific advice?
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