ChangeLog V8

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

ChangeLog V8

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20 November 2017 - version 8.2.28
MacOS - problem with some computers under "High Sierra" fixed
General - minor improvements
Sequential List - Midi shortcuts

4 August 2017 - version 8.2.24
Live - closing lightshow switches off used midi buttons
TimeLine - control from Live Mobile
Sequential List - control from Live Mobile
Hardware (Windows) - usb drivers are auto installed online via "Microsoft Update"

13 March 2017 - versions 8.2.18
General - Midi logger window (main menu => Windows => Midi logger)
Fixtures - Edit Fixture - channels - show the dmx addresses
Live - Hidden parameter to switch on "auto BPM" at software start
Live - save "manual BPM" at software exit
Live - Midi outputs initialized at software start
Live - red rectangle outline for buttons at "on" state

26 December 2016 - version 8.2.10
Steps - problem in V8.2.4 fixed
minor midi functions improvements

16 December 2016 - version 8.2.4
Live - enhanced management for midi shortcuts
Live - option "'Release all button' exception" for buttons
TimeLine - "ctrl a" select all
Sequential List - no more "beta"

07 October 2016 - version 8.1.29
Manual - upgraded for version 8.1.23 (viewtopic.php?f=85&t=3077)
Hardware - support wild usb unplug/replug (only with one interface D512 or Remote or Rack)
MacOS - software package is signed (for Sierra)
Preferences - adjustable "DMX nap speed" (DMX signal frequency when the DMX channels do not change)
Live - display names of steps, in the popup window over the slider of a Preset button
Live - new window for option "Button color", with possibility of multi-buttons selection (with key "ctrl" or "command").
TimeLine - refresh time values in block after "play/stop" action or red/green time marker move
3DView - unlimited nb of fixtures

12 September 2016 - version 8.1.23
Generator - option "Reverse pan/tilt" instant effect on fixtures (no need to close the window)
Generator - bigger "Reverse pan/tilt" and "Fixtures ordering" windows (better under MacOS)
Live - export list with midi/dmx patch inputs
Live - 8 Master faders available (was 4 before)
Live - the window "Move button" stays open to move different buttons
Live - select page in external window does not hide the window
TimeLine - option "Delete" for blocks
TimeLine - preload scenes of current project in memory (to reduce a possible lag with big scenes)
TimeLine - shows the waveform of all WAV files (even those with metadata)
Sequential List - individual "fade in / out" time for each line
Sequential List - preload scenes of current project in memory (to reduce a possible lag with big scenes)
StandAlone - function "Save As" to save the timeline as a Steps scene (.scex).

10 August 2016 - version 8.1.15
all - patch "Software universes to hardware universes" (main menu "File > Preferences > DMX universes")
2DView - button "See all universes"
Live - popup menu "Reset" for Master Faders
Live - button option "Vertical slider"
Timeline - option "Fade in/out" option for scenes
Sequential List - adjustable fade in/out time

09 May 2016 - version 8.1.00
all - free for all existing usb interfaces (from 2000 to now)
all - reads V7 lightshows
all - dmx patching (on the fly)
all - palettes (built Steps/Generator scenes with memories instead of specific channels values)
all - unlimited fixtures channels, generator channels, generator points, ...
all - fully multi-threaded
all - fully synchronous between software and dmx interface
all - each 512 channels dmx interface opens 512 dmx channels + 512 Artnet channels (or 1024 Artnet channels)
all - multi midi devices management
Fixtures - dmx/midi inputs to fixtures management
Steps - Can import external scenes for compatible fixtures
Steps - channel value "1" available
Steps - new view mode "Used fixtures"
Steps - multi pan/tilt fixtures management
Generator - full speed engine
Generator - projects can be stored in subfolders
Generator - multi pan/tilt fixtures management
Pixels - full speed engine
Live - plays Generator projects (instead of generated scenes)
Live - plays Pixels projects (instead of generated scenes)
Live - option "Duration" for all type of buttons
Live - fast response scenes triggering
Live - Speed Master Faders
Live - ten "Buttons" tabs or external windows
Live - option "duration" for Macro
Live - page - option "chase" works with Macro (with duration != 0)
Live - no delay for scenes triggering (scene are pre-loaded in RAM at software start)
TimeLine - option "external window"
TimeLine - projects can be stored in subfolders
The Lighting Controller

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