Message "TCP/IP Listen Error"

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Message "TCP/IP Listen Error"

Post by support »

Our software asks to the OS: "can i open a TCP (or UDP) communication at the following IP and port number ?"
And the OS says "no".
When the OS says "no", this is because the UDP/TCP port at the IP address is not available.

In the Window "Preferences > Network" of our software, there is the IP and ports details for communication between the main software and the external programs.

First thing to check
This might be due to the program "TheLightingController" which has previously crashed, and which is still running in memory. To check that, try to re-start your Operating System.

Second thing to check
If all programs are running on the same computer, then the IP in the "Preferences > Network" window has to be "" (this is the default IP for local communication).

In case of the problem is still here, there are 3 possibilities:

1. The OS firewall blocks the port.
In that case, you have to open the firewall settings and to manually change the authorisation for the program "TheLightingController".
Please note that, under Windows, the first time you start the software, the firewall shows this window "Warning the program 'TheLightingController' tries to open a port ; do you allow it ?".
They are usually 3 choices for the answer:
- "yes for this time only"
- "yes, always"
- "no"
If you answer "no", our software will not work properly. For instance 3DView will not show any fixtures. And the firewall will never ask you again any question.
The only way to change that is to open the firewall settings and to manually change the authorisation for the program "TheLightingController".

2. An external anti-virus/firewall blocks the port.
An easy way to check that is to disable all (firewall + anti-virus) for a short time and try again.
Please disconnect the internet connection during this test.

3. Another program uses the same port.
In that case, change the port number in our software (main menu "File" > "Preferences" > tab "Network" > "TheLightingController" > "Port").
The Lighting Controller

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