Thoughts on v7.1, and big list of feature requests

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Thoughts on v7.1, and big list of feature requests

Post by chibbert »

I posted this in the FB group, but I'm going to leave it here, too.

I've been playing with v7.1, and... well, I am underwhelmed.

Even the "release" version 7.1 crashes on me consistently enough that I haven't used it at gigs yet, and won't for awhile.

The revised interface is questionable.

MIDI-out support is overdue and most welcome, but everything else is a decidedly mixed bag.

I would love for Chauvet to give ShowXpress all the resources it needs to be world-class.

I've been a dedicated ShowXpress user for two years now, but this disappointing new version has me seriously contemplating a different controller.

What do I want? Good question. Here's a few things off the top of my head:

Stability! Version 7.1 crashed on me three times this morning as I was experimenting with the new interface. Not ok.

Patching! Ability to change fixture addresses without screwing up your programming, and/or swap fixtures for other ones. This would save me so much time.

Modern UX. Drag-and-drop edit of palettes and buttons in Live would be a great start. Imagine dragging a button between panels. Ooooh!

Why isn't Live useful as soon as you add fixtures? -- How about auto-population of buttons in Live based on fixture? For instance, why aren't the color wheel values of a known fixture instantly available in Live? Do I really need to make a scene, assign named steps for each color, then create a preset button? I want to be able to add the "color wheel" channel directly to Live, because ShowXpress already knows (from the fixture profile) what options that channel offers. Make it easy for me.

Automatic grouping of similar fixtures. We can create groups in the Editor, but known fixtures are not automatically grouped. Why not? These groups should also instantly show up in Live. Fixtures should also get a number, aside from their DMX address (because DMX address can change). This also lets you do things with the command line.

Command line support. Consoles have a command line mode, where users can type commands directly. For example, "1 @ full" brings fixture #1 to 100%. If I could do this in the Editor, creating scenes would be way faster. Definitely a "power user" feature.

Effect layers. PLEASE! The ShowXpress "generator" is a stab in this direction, but far less powerful and convoluted than most consoles. On a Hog or MA, I can select any set of fixtures and toggle an effect (fan, circle, wave, crossfade, etc) from a big library of options. Parameters for the effect are adjustable on the fly.

Fixture locate. Click a button and a fixture lights up. Helps you identify what you're controlling. Small but useful.

Grand master. I know you can hack one from a master fader, but a true persistent "grand master" over-ride would make sense.

Multi-head fixture support

RGBW, RGBWA, RGBWAV color models

Adjustable fade times for each button in Live. Please.

Updated visualizer and 3D module support. (License Capture Polar and be done?)

Mac support for auto-BPM. Seriously not implemented yet?

Toggle LTP or HTP mode on a scene-by-scene basis.

History. Track changes to a show and rewind those edits, à la Photoshop.

- - -

I post this with the best of intentions. I love ShowXpress and want to see it thrive. I don't want to change consoles, but there are some very compelling competing options out there.
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