Changelog V7

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Changelog V7

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fix for version 7
Pixels - bug with "W" LEDs (only one channel "white") - fixed

15 February 2016 - version 7.1.80
All - remembers path of last downloaded external lightshow
Fixtures - list of icons for channels reorganized
FixturesAdd - create new fixture with more than one unit put all fixtures at same dmx address - fixed
FixturesEdit - shows correct 2DView picture when generic
FixturesEdit - shows correct state of parameter "3DView reverse pan/tilt"
Generator - improved scene generation with some specific projects
Live - considers the order of the selected buttons in a Macro
Live - does not reset some midi settings in Live, with a new lightshow - fixed
TimeLine - problem with BPM > 255 - fixed
3DView - channels "iris" is not correctly managed with "clone" fixtures (same dmx address) - fixed
ScreenControl - Windows - ability to choose the video renderer
Windows - install correct drivers signed (up to 2017)

10 November 2015 - version 7.1.74
all - caution - works with recent (August 2015) library (.dll)
Artnet - backward spelled ID - fixed
midi - crash with specific "command" message - fixed
AddFixtures - new fixture with quantity > 1 - creates the fixtures at different dmx addresses
Fixtures - fonction "Duplicate" creates fixtures with different names
Fixtures - first created fixture does not end with "#1"
Fixtures - does not crash when selecting one fixture with the lasso
Steps - crash when deselecting a group with a multi RGB/CMY fixture followed by a click in the color wheel - fixed
Fixtures - problem with special characters (like "é" for instance) in fixture's name - fixed
Generator - option "reverse tilt" in Fixture was not correctly handled after saving project
Pixels - nb max of "shared channels" for a fixture is 30
Live - show file "live.ini" sorted and cleaned
Live - in button's name, the character "~" goes to next line
Live - the characters "|" and "@" are forbiden in button's name
Live - possible loss of dmx control, after a very long period (more than 50 days) with PC on - fixed
Live - must restart software to use the modifications in window "Settings" - fixed
Live - all buttons on are switched off, at during program exit process

23 July 2015 - version 7.1.63
Menu - Preferences - MacOS - some text in gadgets were not readable - fixed
Menu - Artnet - change port was ignored - fixed
FixturesEdit - the 3DView option "reverse tilt" was reversing pan instead of tilt - fixed
Steps - problem with complex color channels order (RWAGCB) - fixed
Steps - in section "RGB/CMY", the multi-selection is made now with the keys ctrl/command
Generator - bad positions for points with negative "shift" slider position - fixed
2DView - sometimes it was not possible to change group from the list - fixed
Pixels - RGBWAU (U means UV) LEDs addressing mode
Live - timeline button "off" sends the corresponding midi out message
TimeLine - was not showing the wave curve of some WAV files - fixed
StandAlone - some bugs fixed from the timeline to the scene uploaded in the interface
Windows - drivers signed for 2015 to 2017

7 April 2015 - version 7.1.54
all - fixed some crash with specific action
Preferences - "lock Live screen" and "Admin password" options
Preferences - "open lightshow" shows the current lightshow
Fixtures - option "clone" - "0" (instead of "1")means no clone
Fixtures - shows correctly fixtures with more than 33 channels
Steps - problem when changing total duration fixed
Steps - Steps can manage channels in following order: RRRGGGBBBWWW
Steps - after play & stop action, the faders are set to the correct step values
Steps - option "Ungroup channels in fixture" is set by default
Steps - buttons for file management in toolbar are grayed in "play" mode
2DView - change saved in Fixtures loses group change in 2DView
Generator - curve with 2 same abscissa points generates correct scene
Generator - crash when pressing space bar just after software start
Generator - max points increased to 100 (was 10 before)
Generator - ability to change the order of the fixtures
Generator - crash fixed when selecting a fixture with more than 50 channels (max is now 100 channels)
Generator - new button "Menu" in toolbar
Generator - buttons for file management in toolbar are grayed in "play" mode
Live - "Auto start" works with "TimeLine" buttons
Live - "data2" (velocity) available in midi out
Live - problem of freeze with "midi TimeLine button" and 3DView fixed
Live - option "minimize window" in child window
Live - TimeLine button (with a video file in the timeline) crash fixed
Live - midi out "data2" (velocity) can set for "Button Off"
3DView - MacOS - closing 3DView does not crash the main window
3DView - does not show correctly midi patch to dmx outputs, in HTP mode

12 January 2015 - version 7.1.32
main - Windows - icon for program shortcut on desktop is back
Add Fixtures - fixture's block shows correct dmx start/end addresses, when address 512 is busy
Edit Fixtures - up and down for channels
Edit Fixtures - channel option "strict values" works
Edit Fixtures - reverse dimmer/iris works for moving heads and mirrors
Edit Fixtures - new "split color" icons for channel "color"
Steps - crash with heterogeneous group of multi-RGB fixtures fixed
2DView - crash with second click on the first selected fixture fixed
Live - crash sometimes when moving midi faders to control master faders fixed
Live - Windows 7+ - the dropdown box "page" does not catch the keyboard events
TimeLine - shows the timeline names behind the scenes/media blocks
TimeLine - problem of scene not triggered if not played from beginning fixed
StandAlone - upload crashes sometimes
StandAlone - one day lag with week days

27 November 2014 - version 7.1.23
3DView - selected group in 2DView is correcty selected in 3DView
StandAlone - problem with calendar management fixed

26 November 2014 - version 7.1.22
Available languages for software are now: Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

21 November 2014 - version 7.1.21
All - red/green bars of "dmx" & "3D" icons more visible
All - new main menu option "Windows > Live child"
Fixtures - MacOS - the arrow keys work in the the list gadgets
Fixtures - asks for save dmx addresses (if necessary) when changing tab
Fixtures - blocks and rename already existing fixture names
Fixtures - multi-selection possible in window "Import fixture"
Add Fixtures - can not create a fixture with an existing name
Add Fixtures - can create a fixture with special characters in name
Edit Fixtures - "insert channel" inserts an empty channel
Edit Fixtures - "add channel" adds an empty channel
Edit Fixtures Levels - "close window" save the changes (no need to press "tab/enter")
Editor - remembers the positions of the horizontal & vertical split bars, in the window
Steps - auto selection of tab "pan/tilt" or "RGB", depending of the selected fixture
Steps - new button "Ungroup channels of fixture, in tool bar, to move either all similar channels of a fixture, or to move only the selected channel
Steps - list in section "RGB" to select the RGB channels, inside a multi-RGB fixture
Steps - shows the RGB color in the area for the level icon
Generator - mouse click in 2DView background shows a white flash in 2DView (means not allowed)
Live - double-click on master fader cursor moves it to value "0"
Live - MacOS - minimize child window does not minimize the main window
Live - new option "Live child" in main menu, to show / hide the child window
Live - midi shortcuts work in window "Settings"
Live - fixes crash with right click over a button, when software window does not have the focus
Live MacOS - key press does not cause a sound
StandAlone - can upload to multi-universes
3DView - problem with RGB channels together with "color" channel fixed
German language for software
French language for manual

11 September 2014 - version 7.1.12
main - PDF manual (English)
main - Spanish language in software
main - bug in "check for new software version" fixed
Edit fixture - popup menu in list channels/levels was not working (in version 7.1.8 only)
Steps - "channel paste" without "channel copy" bug is fixed
Steps - remembers the last state of "Ungroup actions" button, after software quit/restart
Pixels - cut/copy/paste fixture keyboard functions (ctrl x, c, v) work
Live - with options "fade out" + "pause at end" together, all channels switch off correctly
TimeLine - loads all PCM wav files
TimeLine - after a multi-import of media files, the length of the blocks is correct
3DView - selected group in 2DView is correcty selected in 3DView
StandAlone - the final scene is correctly generated, when there is not scene at time 0 in the timeline
StandAlone - after a multi-import of scenes files, the length of the blocks is correct

18 August 2014 - version 7.1.8 (executable only)
StandAlone - bug with interface D512 fixed

31 July 2014 - version 7.1.7 (executable only)
Steps - channels numbers more visible
TimeLine - shows curve of all WAV files (also when stored in the lightshow folder)
3DView - problem of channels flicks fixed
ScreenControl MacOS - 'ctrl + click' (for right click) works

25 July 2014 - version 7.1.5
Dmx channels problem with "old generation" interfaces Cable/Box/Ssa fixed
MacOS - auto disable "App nap"
MacOS - ScreenControl - shows correctly video files
Live - channel "UV" belongs to the "dimmer" channels (RGB, CMY, ...)
Live - picture in button covers whole button surface
"Midi and DMX patch" window moved from main menu to the "Preferences" menu
French language

25 June 2014 - version 7.1.0
main menu - Help => Tutorials section
Fixture - toolbar option "export dmx addressing list"
Fixture - shows fixture picture (when existing) in window "Add fixture"
Fixture - problem with more than one universe fixed
Fixture - problem of fixtures indexing, with "Duplicate fixture" function, fixed

19 Juin 2014 - version 7.0.68 beta
TimeLine - shows WaveForm for WAV files

16 June 2014 - version 7.0.67 beta
TimeLine - relooked with single complete blocks for each event

26 May 2014 - alpha
Midi output to control LEDs & motorised faders of Midi surface control devices
Artnet support
keys <F2>..<F5> to select "Editor".."Live" tabs

4 April 2014 - alpha
All from V6 in one single 1,8Mb EXE file (without external librairies)
The Lighting Controller

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