Run more than 3 scenes? [fixed]

upload scenes in the standalone memory of the interface
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Run more than 3 scenes? [fixed]

Post by SirHips »

Within standalone there is space for 3 concurrent scenes to run.
With the 512 Plus can I use the ZONES to run more than 3 scenes at a time?

Thank you for any help
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Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by support »

With this interface, it is possible to run up to 4 scenes together (see the dropdown box "zone" at the bottom left part of the screen).
We think you are mixing up the 3 timelines (to build a scene) with the zones.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by SirHips »

Thank you for the reply, obviously I have some confusion in understanding the terminology, so please bear with me.

I have 4 sets of different lights - and want to run on standalone up to 8 'step-scenes files' and 'generator files' on a loop simultaneously.
At the moment I can only run 3 files using the 3 Light Scene Timelines.

I clearly see the 3 Light Scene Timelines and adding 'light scenes steps' into these 3 Light Scene Timelines in fine.
But changing the ZONE selection option shows the same 3 Light Scene Timelines in all zones?
Choosing a different ZONE only changes the Button colour?

Can you please explain what the 'ZONES' are as as I would like to add different 'step-scenes files' or 'generator files' to each Zone?

Thank you
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by support »

The 3 timelines allow to generate one "complex" scene. It is not possible to have more timelines.
You can change the scene in the toolbar with the buttons "1" to "18".
You can select the zone for each scene with the dropdown box "Zone #1 .. #4".
When you trigger a scene, if a scene from the same zone is already running, it will be turned off.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 29 January 2018, 01:05

Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by SirHips »

Thank you,
I understand I can run 3 timelines simultaneously.
Using the remote to change scenes is fine; I assume you mean buttons 1 to 18?

But, I would still like to know what the "ZONES" option is?
What do you call a ZONE?
Selecting different Zones shows the same timelines..... still confused regards this bit
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Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by Jordi_d_a »


I've read your question about the zones and for what I understand about the earlier reply and what I found when I was trying the remote function.
If you select a zone from 1 through 4 it sets the combinibility of your scenes that you select on the remote if button 1 and 2 are assigned to be zone 1 and button 3 and 4 are assigned to be zone 2 the if you switch from button 1 to button 2 then button 1 turns off, but if you would switch from button 1 to button 3 which is a different zone both of the scenes are running.

I hope you understand how the different zones work.

Kind regards, Jordi.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by support »

We can resume with: "when you turn on a button, if a button from the same zone is already on, it will be turned off"
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 4
Joined: 29 January 2018, 01:05

Re: Run more than 3 scenes?

Post by SirHips »

Thank you Jordi_d_a,

Your explanation did the trick; you have just saved me hours of wasted time and more posts.
Now I can set-up 4 Buttons 4 different scenes using the 4 zones which can all run concurrently.

Job done.
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