Improvement Ideas for the timeline

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
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DJ Gwystyl
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Improvement Ideas for the timeline

Post by DJ Gwystyl »

I've been reading through the posts, and haven't seen something where there is a way to suggest some overall improvements to the timeline. If this needs to be moved, please let me know, but there are several things that I think the could be implemented to help make this feature drastically more efficient:

shift+mouse wheel = scrolling left and right through the song (this was mentioned in another post..)
ctrl+mouse wheel = zooming in and out (I see there is a =/- option, but this would be even more efficient and time saving than +/-)
ctrl+left click = play from this location (whether clicked in the header or in the track/lights area)
Zooming in another level or two so you can see more detail
being able to increase the viewable size of the music track so you can more clearly see the nuances of the wav file
Being able to view the wav as a spectral analysis to see rises and falls in the music clearly and be able to program the lights directly with them, or with specific notes on various instruments, etc...
Create a setting that would disable the automatic loop feature for adding songs. I find that nearly every scene I add to my timeline I have to go in and turn off the loop, which is a lot of time added to creating awesome scenes.
I would also love to see a timer for wherever I've selected, so if I'm trying to program a feature to the beat, or to a specific time, I can easily and readily see selected time to know what to program the time to.

*****UPDATED 2018/03/26******The ability to directly add scenes and manipulate their time would be even more fantastic. IE: I add a scene, turn off the loop because I only want it to run once (ie: fading out the color, or fading from one position to another), but now have to ensure the time matches the music. I have to carefully play and stop to get the exact time position, then calculate the difference, then go into the editor and change the file accordingly, go back, check to ensure it worked as planned, and repeat as needed for when it doesn't... Instead of all that, if I could just add the file, move it to the start of where I want it, then drag the end of the file to where I need it to stop, and it would automatically stretch/shrink the steps accordingly. That would save SO much time.
While I wouldn't mind the above/previous request for editting directly from Timeline, I understand that is actually a very difficult switch from a programming standpoint to add that feature. I had a thought that would actually accomplish the same goal, and would potentially be a far more simply request for the programmers. Still import the steps scenes as we currently do, but give a feature similar to the pause/stop/end feature, where we add a "Manual Advance" feature, that would allow "Next Step" blocks to be added to the scene in the timeline. Every time we want the steps to advance, we can use this, and choose whether it's a fade or snap of course, allowing us to have more control over the steps from the timeline. If that step scene were played from Buttons, in a timeline without selecting the Manual Advance, or while editting, it would simply progress like normal, but selecting the Manual Advance would then allow these steps to essentially pause the light scene until the next step when it would then advance 1 more step.
Last edited by DJ Gwystyl on 26 March 2018, 15:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Improvement Ideas for the timeline

Post by Gilles »

Si je ne suis pas dans la bonne rubrique désolé...
Toujours dans l'esprit d'amélioration, serait-il possible que lorsque l'on bascule de step vers live, les préférences de de DMX et 3D bascule en même temps.
Je m'explique: je créer une scène steps en contrôlant que cela me convient en DMX ou en 3d, puis je bascule vers live et je mets le fichier steps sous forme de bouton ou dans une timeline et je veux contrôler tout en le jouant, mais si j'oublie de désactivé le DMX ou la 3D dans steps, je ne vois rien car la priorité est donnée à l'onglet step... et vis versa.
L'idée serait que lorsque l'on est dans l'onglet steps on est DMX et 3D et que lorsque l'on bascule vers l'onglet live, DMX et 3D se désactive dans l'onglet steps, et quand on revient dans steps, DMX et 3D redevienne actif.
Je ne sais pas si je suis bien clair.... :)
Luc Henrion
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Re: Improvement Ideas for the timeline

Post by Luc Henrion »

Très clair. Et c'est une excellente idée. A mettre dans les "options"/préférences" bien sûr.
Very clear. And it's a very good idea. Let's make it an "option/preference" of course.
+1 8-)
trc Lighting
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Re: Improvement Ideas for the timeline

Post by trc Lighting »

I'd love another step in the "Manual BPM" section of the speed properties. Not slower, but faster. (0.25/1 and 0.5/1) Would make doing 1-step scene flashes in time with the music so much easier.
Posts: 215
Joined: 06 June 2016, 18:37

Re: Improvement Ideas for the timeline

Post by BartKrap »

trc Lighting wrote:I'd love another step in the "Manual BPM" section of the speed properties. Not slower, but faster. (0.25/1 and 0.5/1) Would make doing 1-step scene flashes in time with the music so much easier.

Definitly a +1 for this
Head of lighting, lighting designer and lighting operater at De Zoom and Pinky's in Renesse and Ron van der Veen Entertainment.
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