Request for timeline

create synch shows with video, audio and lights

Request for timeline

Postby jcasi » 27 December 2016, 16:34

When you have a scene and select manual BPM, you have the slider that lets you slow the scene down in time increments which is great. Can this go the other way so we can speed it up in time increments as well? I can see this really speeding up my programming time. If I use the BPM tool, then it affects all the other scenes that are running manual BPM at that time, which is not what I would like to do.

This would be very useful for example if a song is at tempo and I have a scene that flashes all white and I want it to pulse with a distinct part of a song where my drummer rolls the snare at double time to get into a chorus etc.
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Joined: 23 January 2016, 02:07

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