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request - tabs reordering

PostPosted: 21 July 2020, 19:11
by Bobnjul
Another great update would be to allow us to quickly and easily reorder the tabs in live mode by dragging them or perhaps similarly to the way Steps in the step editor can be rearranged.

Re: request - tabs reordering

PostPosted: 22 July 2020, 10:48
by support
We moved your post to a new topic, for more clarity.
And we take note of your request.

Re: request - tabs reordering

PostPosted: 30 July 2020, 20:39
by Bobnjul
Not sure there's much to clarify... at the moment, to "reorder" the boards/tabs, one must literally rebuild the tab manually by pulling down each page within the Tab. That's a bit of a pain... especially when you have 100's of pages and many Tabs - all with 8 boards. On the button setting page... where the boards are set up, It would be nice to have a way to quickly reorder the grid, and/or insert a tab in between.

Even better, instead of needing to go into any settings page, it would really be nice to just right click on a tab and have something that said "reorder tab" or "move tab", then be able to just drag it... or at least bring up a window with arrow buttons. (like the "move button" feature). Better yet, You could also put things like "tab properties" (which has a dialogue to change the number of boards on the tab and rename it) and "switch to floating window" on that same right click menu. And you could also include on that menu "tab trigger" so we can trigger the current tab via MIDI or with a key command like the buttons can be controlled.

You could also include a tab on the end with a "+" or "add Tab" or something like that, when you click on it, it adds a tab to the end and brings up a new tab properties dialogue that you can set parameters for the new tab like name and number of boards.


Re: request - tabs reordering

PostPosted: 02 August 2020, 09:09
by support
We take note of the "tabs reordering" request.
The rest will be as requested in the next major software version.