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Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 13 February 2020, 05:03
by rockinmo816
Pretty sure this cannot be done but we will try anyway...

I have a LIVE page set up with 4 different boards. Each board is a group of LED par fixtures with a DIMMER scene and the applicable colors for that group of lighting. If I set the dimmer scene to be the "Release all buttons exclusion" and the colors set to the "release all buttons" option, that board works perfectly. But, when I select a color from a different board (different page, different scenes, different groups, etc) all of my colors get deactivated/toggled off. Not just the one inside that page. I was under the assumption the SOLO button option for the board/page kept all parameters in that specific container.

Going to check my versions now to make sure I am on the latest and greatest...


Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 13 February 2020, 05:10
by rockinmo816
Just updated and checked with 9.2.10 on Mac OSX and still same issue. Either this is a bug or I am not using the features as they were designed.

If there is a way to do what I want, please let me know.
Thank you

Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 14 February 2020, 09:53
by support

Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 17 February 2020, 01:20
by rockinmo816
Thanks for the quick response, but this isnt the issue. I don't beleive what I want to do will work. Adding a screenshot below.

You can see I have four pages in my LIVE screen. Each one of them I want to be able to work independently of each other. I was hoping that by using the "release all buttons" and "release all buttons exclusion" would stay in the page that I am working with and NOT touch the other pages. Unfortunately those release all button options releases all of the other "release all buttons" in all of the pages.

I want it so that if a color is picked in a particular page then all of the other colors in the page turn off. Just so from a user perspective its acting like a color picker.



Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 17 February 2020, 01:38
by SeekLighting
rockinmo816 wrote:Thanks for the quick response, but this isnt the issue. I don't beleive what I want to do will work. Adding a screenshot below.

You can see I have four pages in my LIVE screen. Each one of them I want to be able to work independently of each other. I was hoping that by using the "release all buttons" and "release all buttons exclusion" would stay in the page that I am working with and NOT touch the other pages. Unfortunately those release all button options releases all of the other "release all buttons" in all of the pages.

I want it so that if a color is picked in a particular page then all of the other colors in the page turn off. Just so from a user perspective its acting like a color picker.


You should be able to accomplish what you're trying to do with the "solo buttons" function. That stays within the page

Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 18 February 2020, 20:01
by rockinmo816
TimH wrote:
rockinmo816 wrote:Thanks for the quick response, but this isnt the issue. I don't beleive what I want to do will work. Adding a screenshot below.

You can see I have four pages in my LIVE screen. Each one of them I want to be able to work independently of each other. I was hoping that by using the "release all buttons" and "release all buttons exclusion" would stay in the page that I am working with and NOT touch the other pages. Unfortunately those release all button options releases all of the other "release all buttons" in all of the pages.

I want it so that if a color is picked in a particular page then all of the other colors in the page turn off. Just so from a user perspective its acting like a color picker.


You should be able to accomplish what you're trying to do with the "solo buttons" function. That stays within the page

I thought that too, but same behavior. When all pages were set to SOLO BUTTONS option, still when I unselected one color in one page, all colors from all other pages that were selected unselected. Unless I am doing it wrong..... I will triple check.

Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 02 March 2020, 13:20
by muscanto
Just an idea here-

When I want to program a board with it's own "release" button that does not affect other boards, I create an extra flash button on that same board (assuming its a solo board) and use it to do nothing but release whatever is already selected on the board. When you hit that flash button, it will release whatever else is selected. I think that will work as a usable work-around for what you are trying to accomplish.

Re: Release all / Exclusion / Solo

Posted: 03 April 2020, 18:43
by thorehl
I too have a work around for when _NOT_ using Solo.

Create a macro button that activates all buttons on the given page. Right-click and make it a flash button. -Poff- everything off.

Note: If you get strange flashing of the lights, create a normal button with the fixtures in question with 0 (zero) as value. Add this button to your page and maybe call it EMPTY.
Activate all other buttons, and importantly, and the EMPTY button as the last one and then Right-click the macro button and select Update Macro.