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Chase Play & Random Play Speeds [fixed]

Posted: 19 December 2017, 10:21
by djcolesy
I was wondering if someone could please explain to me how the chase play and random play speeds are configured to work because they seem to behave differently for me on different pages within my Live area and I cannot figure out why.

Example 1
- I have a tab in 'Live'with 8 boards on
- One of the boards has 9 buttons on which are simply just colours
- The buttons are solo buttons
- When I set the board to chase play the ShowXpress software either often crashes or the buttons chase play but ridiculously fast (not how I would expect the software to behave)

Example 2
- I have another tab in 'Live' with 4 boards on
- One of the boards again has 9 buttons on which are again also just different colour buttons
- They are also solo buttons
- When I set the board to chase play in here the ShowXpress software seems to work as I would expect it to moving down the buttons andchanging them every few seconds.

What I am trying o understand is the difference in behaviour of the above two examples and if I have configured something wrong in example 1 as I don't know why it keeps crashing or chasing through the buttons at a ridiculously fast speed.

Comments and troubleshooting suggestions very welcomed. Thanks in advance.

Re: Chase Play & Random Play Speeds

Posted: 19 December 2017, 13:20
by JohnRichards
Check the speeds of your steps of each scene.
The fast one might be 1 second and the others ones at 3 or 5 secs.
The chase will occur at the time length of each scene.

Re: Chase Play & Random Play Speeds

Posted: 19 December 2017, 19:50
by djcolesy
Thanks John i will check that out
JohnRichards wrote:Check the speeds of your steps of each scene.
The fast one might be 1 second and the others ones at 3 or 5 secs.
The chase will occur at the time length of each scene.

Re: Chase Play & Random Play Speeds

Posted: 19 December 2017, 19:57
by djcolesy
John your response has hit the nail right on the head! Thanks so much I was completely stumped.
JohnRichards wrote:Check the speeds of your steps of each scene.
The fast one might be 1 second and the others ones at 3 or 5 secs.
The chase will occur at the time length of each scene.