Smooth pan tilt motion with 16 bit fixtures

create scenes with shape generator

Smooth pan tilt motion with 16 bit fixtures

Postby muscanto » 16 January 2019, 03:19

I have some fixtures with 16 bit pan/tilt ability. In generator, when I slow the fixture movements way down, they become jerky. Other software doesn't seem to have this issue. Is there a setting that I can change to improve this? I have a pan/tilt speed channel but it does not seem to improve the issue. It seems that the software is sending out motions in 8 bit, but I'm not certain.

Any advice or tips?
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Joined: 22 June 2015, 13:10

Re: Smooth pan tilt motion with 16 bit fixtures

Postby support » 16 January 2019, 07:57

When the following channels are declared "pan, tilt, upan, utilt", the 16 bits movement is handled everywhere in the software.

The problem usually comes from the "pan/tilt speed" channel. With some Chinese dmx fixtures, it does not work very well.
Please note also that this channel needs to be re-adjusted, according to the different required speeds within the scene.

We suggest you to make some tests in the tab Steps. Then you will clearly identify the problems.
The Lighting Controller
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