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Setting all Fixtures at once.

Posted: 25 January 2020, 18:31
by ClassicRocco
For the life of me I can't figure out how to set all of my fixtures at the same time.

I have 4 SlimPar56. I can edit each one independently and it works fine.

The training videos show selecting all of the fixtures and then choosing a color and miraculously all of the fixtures' sliders move at the same time.

I have tried the right-click menus and the new group buttons in the latest version.



I'm on Win10 64 using ShowXPress 9.2.10.

Re: Setting all Fixtures at once.

Posted: 26 January 2020, 19:13
by support
Please check the button "Ungroup fixtures in selection" in the toolbar.
It has to be off, in order all fixtures change together.

Re: Setting all Fixtures at once.

Posted: 26 January 2020, 22:27
by ClassicRocco
Thank you. I reverted to 9.2.3 and it is working now.