selecting interfaces for each universe

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Joined: 23 June 2011, 14:41

selecting interfaces for each universe

Post by kjensen77 »

How can you select which interface is associated with which universe?
I am using an x-factor & a SAA. i need the ssa to be universe 1 but when i plug in the x-factor that one gets assigned to universe 1 & ssa to universe 2.
Reason is my external dmx board does not work via dmx in on x-factor but does work via dmx in on ssa unit.
Posts: 10883
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: selecting interfaces for each universe

Post by support »

The order of the universes is given by the operating system.
If you reverse the usb connexions, the order should be reversed.
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 10883
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: selecting interfaces for each universe

Post by support »

FYI, V8.1.15 has a software patch for universes.
The Lighting Controller

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