Midi Wing Controllers

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Pink LD
Posts: 688
Joined: 04 January 2010, 19:03

Midi Wing Controllers

Post by Pink LD »

Hello Forumers,
I have used the Box hub, DMX input patching, and a wing NSI 7016 console for years. But I think it is time to upgrade to a wing console that has fadersthat are digital/more accurate.
So in looking at my options with ShowXpress I see that the 512 Plus is the way to go for my next hub but that has a midi in, not a 48 channel DMX input. My research of the forum tells me that the Midi route will give me more choices than my current configuration. Sounds fine to me except for one problem:
I don't know anything about Midi, much less about Midi wing controllers.
Is there anyone out the willing to take some time to explain the "basics" to me, or point me to a weblink with a primer specific to Midi in lighting applications? I would greatly appreciate it.
Posts: 10635
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: Midi Wing Controllers

Post by support »

Midi is effectively a good solution for "wings", when using always a computer.

Software side
Please watch this: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1499

Mid side
Each midi device has its own features, and sometimes requires some menu change, in order to operate correctly as "wing".
Please read the forum and you will find people using different midi devices. This might help you to chose one.

Caution: our software presently does not manage midi messages to the midi device (no way to drive midi leds/motorized faders). This is in the ToDo list, but no time frame for that.
The Lighting Controller
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