Generator video room spin w/ DJ Mikey Mike (9:17)

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Joined: 25 December 2009, 19:17

Generator video room spin w/ DJ Mikey Mike (9:17)

Post by directsound »

SweetLight Generator video room spin w/ DJ Mikey Mike and directsound

let me know what you think


DJ Mikey Mike
The Best Wedding Have One Thing In Common...Direct Sound Wedding DJ & Decor Lighting Service

From DJ Mikey Mike
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: SweetLight Generator video room spin w/ DJ Mikey Mike [9:17]

Post by support »

We find this very clear and useful, but the feedback from other users would be more interesting.

Just one remark: at the right of the toolbar menu of Generator, there is an icon called "Generate". When you press this icon, you generate a scene, from the Generator project to Editor. Then you can save this scene, like other scenes you made only with Editor. Afterwards, you can trigger this scene with a button of Live.

So, with Generator, you can save 3 different things:
- the complete Generator project
- a curve (pan/tilt or level/time)
- a scene into Editor
The Lighting Controller
Posts: 126
Joined: 25 December 2009, 19:17

Re: Generator video room spin w/ DJ Mikey Mike [9:17]

Post by directsound »

I found that again today I used it before in 5.2 but I just couldent get a grip untill earler today when I was messing with it and then the big light went off and I heard a loud pop when my head ....never mind :) thanks that is very helpful and I will redo a new video on it

The Best Wedding Have One Thing In Common...Direct Sound Wedding DJ & Decor Lighting Service

From DJ Mikey Mike

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