DMX Timeout

usb to dmx (2009 - 2019)
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DMX Timeout

Post by plm »

My Church recently purchased an express512 and we are running show express. we currently transition from the 512 to a levition I/F 501 which turns our dmx control into a MPX which goes to our NSI DDS 9600 microplex dimmers. We are running winows 7pro for the computer. My question is this, is something were to happen and the computer or program crashed, or the xpress512 lost power is there a way to increase the amount of time the last scene will stay on? My fear is that while during a service something will happen killing all the lights. Any help or workaround ideas would be ever so helpful.
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

Re: DMX Timeout

Post by support »

When the software stops communicating with the interface, after a few seconds, the interfaces automatically runs its standalone scene.
So we suggest you to upload a "basic" scene into the interface, to avoid the blackout after a computer crash.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 16 October 2010, 22:56

Re: DMX Timeout

Post by pogjack »

I believe you can get a DMX recorder and save some scenes on that in case of emergency. I plan on getting one when we go to our new church building as a backup. But Show xpress is definetly going too.
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