What is a "ground loop" ?

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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

What is a "ground loop" ?

Post by support »

The computer electrical ground is 0 Volts.
The electrical ground of the lights fixtures is supposed to be 0 Volts.
When a fixture has a problem and it sends voltage in the dmx line ground (happen sometimes with Chinese lights), our interface, which is in the middle of two different electrical grounds, can not work properly (usb disconnection, dmx flick, ...).

Caution: a strong "ground loop" problem can burn the printed circuit board of our interface (with visible traces of ashes), which might occur an invalidation of the guarantee.

Example of ground loop damage on interface D512

Example of a user having a ground loop problem: viewtopic.php?f=18&t=544
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