Can't see any scenes when trying to upload

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Can't see any scenes when trying to upload

Postby Uncle Mikey » 26 September 2012, 08:29

I am trying to upload some scenes to xpress512 plus from my macbook pro running 10.6.8 and ShowXpress 6.30. Everything else seems to work ok but when I get to the 18 button upload screen I can't see any scenes in the box on the upper right. I noticed that my scenes were saved in my light show folder in my user folder by default, not in the Applications folder. Is there something I am missing, or have I got my scenes saved in the wrong place? Thanks.
Uncle Mikey
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 September 2012, 08:17

Re: Can't see any scenes when trying to upload

Postby Uncle Mikey » 26 September 2012, 09:06

OK, I worked it out. When I saved my scenes, I got presented with the standard Mac save dialog, which allowed me to create a new folder inside the scenes folder during the process. I thought this would be a good idea to keep everything organized, and it worked ok with the other parts of the software, but the upload program seems to want the scenes all in the root level of the scenes folder. I moved them out of the inner folder, and everything is working fine now. So if you want to upload scenes to Remote, don't create folders inside your scenes folder. :^)
Uncle Mikey
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 September 2012, 08:17

Re: Can't see any scenes when trying to upload

Postby support » 26 September 2012, 10:34

Yes, you found a glitch (the possibility to store scenes in sub-folders has been done after the standalone program), and you fixed it.
Sorry for problem.
We will add a "caution" topic for that.
And we add a note in the TODO list for that.
The Lighting Controller
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

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