Search found 14 matches

by Sapian
30 November 2023, 20:09
Forum: Editor - Steps
Topic: Layering steps and channel disabling concepts
Replies: 4
Views: 19629

Re: Layering steps and channel disabling concepts

Thanks! think I get it. So the SOLO function takes precedence, even though the recently pressed button has no active channels affecting other active channels, those channels are affected because SOLO effectively turns them off. Just realized that resent release got rid of of some of the number of ...
by Sapian
24 November 2023, 23:04
Forum: Editor - Steps
Topic: Layering steps and channel disabling concepts
Replies: 4
Views: 19629

Re: Layering steps and channel disabling concepts

Thanks for reply. Like in my post, I made sure all other channels are disabled, just changing the dimmer channel. Every other channel is disabled for whole rig. Drives me nuts because the color chanel doesn't change or any other channel that is active but disabled for the dim 1+4 and dim 2+3 buttons ...
by Sapian
20 November 2023, 02:24
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: Export Live buttons to VDJ Gone
Replies: 2
Views: 24683

Re: Export Live buttons to VDJ Gone

Thanks for checking, Link was offline for a while according to developer, It's back up. Unfortunately it still doesn't launch w/ Mac OS 13.4. Checking with them.
by Sapian
14 November 2023, 21:43
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: Export Live buttons to VDJ Gone
Replies: 2
Views: 24683

Export Live buttons to VDJ Gone

I went to the VDJ site yesterday and downloaded the OS2L Export app that allows Live buttons to be exported to VDJ pads.

The app Locked up and beachballed on my Mac with OS 13.4. tried re-starting etc... no luck. Strangely, the ...
by Sapian
14 November 2023, 21:32
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: OS2L Command list
Replies: 2
Views: 3713

Re: OS2L Command list

Excellent, Faders, Got it!
Thank You.
by Sapian
14 November 2023, 02:01
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: OS2L Command list
Replies: 2
Views: 3713

OS2L Command list

Is there a list of what OS2L commands that TheLightingController recognizes available? I've used "button" and "scene" are there others? As in numbered commands with variables.
by Sapian
12 November 2023, 19:30
Forum: Editor - Steps
Topic: Layering steps and channel disabling concepts
Replies: 4
Views: 19629

Layering steps and channel disabling concepts

Seems I'm missing an undocumented concept. Layering scenes and enabled channels not working in my conception of it. Example: I have created a set of buttons in a board that have several dimming options for one model of movers: Typical 1 step scenes setting dim levels for all movers, and some buttons ...
by Sapian
26 January 2022, 19:24
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: Isolating os2l actions to active deck
Replies: 3
Views: 9300

Re: Isolating os2l actions to active deck, major flaw

Well I got my reply, this is a major flaw in my view. VDJ only sends beat info from the active deck but os2l commands from cue points are triggered from all decks regardless of active status, i.e. light show turns into a mess when your cuing up a deck. I typically have 20 - 30 cues in a track and ...
by Sapian
25 January 2022, 22:33
Forum: Virtual DJ
Topic: Isolating os2l actions to active deck
Replies: 3
Views: 9300

Isolating os2l actions to active deck

Hi all,
I have VDJ and The Lighting Controller working most excellent in cuing multiple Live buttons while a track is playing, however, it seems that if another track is playing on a deck that is getting cued up, ( not active output ) the light cues are transmitted to TLC as well. Is there a way ...
by Sapian
05 March 2021, 19:56
Forum: Live - Buttons
Topic: Cannot change the # of boards&type on external monitor
Replies: 7
Views: 8646

Re: Repeatable Button Settings Bug

I updated the system to Catalina. This fixed the re-draw issue posted above in the Generator window when playing back. However, in Live view, the Button settings issue is still there: when you work on a secondary monitor you can't change the # of boards and type, move back to the laptop ...

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