Search found 6 matches

by nealjoos
28 March 2019, 15:06
Forum: Mac OS
Topic: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]
Replies: 7
Views: 13118

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash


I tested the fix, so far so good. I didn't test it yet with the fixtures but I think the problem is solved.

Thank you! You guys are amazing!

Kind regards
Neal Joos
by nealjoos
03 March 2019, 17:46
Forum: Mac OS
Topic: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]
Replies: 7
Views: 13118

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash


Could it be that the software crashes due to a lack of RAM memory or computing power?

I also used another light show yesterday and the software didn't crash. So perhaps the problem is in the light show?

Kind regards
Neal Joos
by nealjoos
25 February 2019, 18:53
Forum: Mac OS
Topic: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]
Replies: 7
Views: 13118

Re: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash

Hello That's the strange thing about it: it just crashes unexpected, we can't predict when it's going to happen. Sometimes, everything just works fine and sometimes it crashes already at the first action. I made a video of the crash (no interface connected): (crash at 1:55...
by nealjoos
23 February 2019, 20:58
Forum: Mac OS
Topic: V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]
Replies: 7
Views: 13118

V9.1.9 - MacOS Mojave crash [fixed]

TheLightningController crashes unexpected when going to the next step in sequential list. All the fixtures shut down and a window comes up that the software crashed. We tested on three different MacBook Pro's. (Medio 2012, MacOS Mojave version 10.14.3) and we installed the newest version of the soft...
by nealjoos
04 January 2019, 10:37
Forum: Live - Sequential List
Topic: 'Wait for go' not working [fixed]
Replies: 2
Views: 10053

Re: 'Wait for go' not working

Thank you! I installed the fix file and now it's working without problems!

Kind regards
Neal Joos
by nealjoos
03 January 2019, 10:29
Forum: Live - Sequential List
Topic: 'Wait for go' not working [fixed]
Replies: 2
Views: 10053

'Wait for go' not working [fixed]

Hello I'm trying to use the 'Wait for go' trigger, but it isn't working. When I click it, I get a window for making a new lightshow. How can I use the 'Wait for go' trigger? I'm using MacOS Mojave (10.14) and using the latest version of Sweetlight controller. I also tested it on my Windows machine a...

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