There is a lag when playing the media file

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
Posts: 10645
Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

There is a lag when playing the media file

Post by support »

Our software does not play & decode the media file by itself ; it just asks the OS to play it.
When you use hi compressed level files, the OS might take a short time for decoding, before playing.
To avoid that:
- with audio files, we suggest you to use pure WAV files
Time line changing
Delay with MP3 file
- with video files, we suggest you to use low compressed files ; this will reduce the lag
Dé-calage aléatoire

Please keep in mind that our software has to read the media file on the fly (press a button in Live and straight play the music). This means to read the media file from where it is stored. So the response can not be as fast as it is with the pro audio/video software which first loads the file and stores it is RAM (fast memory).
The Lighting Controller

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