Custom Folder for Lightshows [fixed]

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Custom Folder for Lightshows [fixed]

Post by zorpiedoman »

Ok guys.... thils is CRITICAL that you fix. It should be really easy... maybe 12 lines of code at the most.

It appears that the folder where my light shows is hard coded into your software. I see nowhere to specify where I want them kept in preferences, I don't see anything in any of the .ini files, nor do I see any entry in the system regestry. Right now I'm forced to have all my light shows kept in:


This is a huge inconvenience since I design the show on one system and perform it on another. After every little change I make I have to export the show onto a USB then carry that down to my rehearsal area and manually copy it onto that comptuer. I would much perfer that the lightshows are on a shared folder that both computers see and therefor no copying is required. Just a simple line item in preferences to specify the folder to keep the lightshow info is all it would take.

Thank in advance,

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Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows

Post by support »

The lightshow can be in another location.
Use the option "Open a lightshow > External lightshow" for that.
The Lighting Controller
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Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows

Post by SeekLighting »

Yeah was just gonna follow up and say the same thing.

Using the "external lightshow" prompt you can point to a mapped network drive if you have it set up that way.

For example with a Windows SMB share you can share your folder over a network from your first PC, and map that as a drive letter on your second PC (for example P:\ )

From there you just put the location of the show on P:\ on your second computer into the "external lightshow" prompt and you can be editing the show on both PCs pointing to the same folder.
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Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows

Post by zorpiedoman »

Ah, that's a beautiful thing. I'll try that out tomorrow. Sounds like a perfect solution.

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Joined: 18 April 2020, 13:59

Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows [fixed]

Post by zorpiedoman »

Nope, Not so beautiful.... Since it appears that scenes are mapped to a specific location on the computer rather than a relative path, this does not work.

I build my light shows on a system where the folder is on my P: drive. My productions system has a C: drive so everything is broken when I try and run it in production.

Posts: 36
Joined: 18 April 2020, 13:59

Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows [fixed]

Post by zorpiedoman »

A work around was to edit all the .tml files and remove the long path.
Posts: 364
Joined: 03 April 2017, 02:28

Re: Custom Folder for Lightshows [fixed]

Post by SeekLighting »

zorpiedoman wrote:Nope, Not so beautiful.... Since it appears that scenes are mapped to a specific location on the computer rather than a relative path, this does not work.

I build my light shows on a system where the folder is on my P: drive. My productions system has a C: drive so everything is broken when I try and run it in production.


Do you save scenes outside of the lightshow folder? Donttdo that. Keep everything saved inside the lightshow folder and you shouldn't run into that problem
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