For ultimate sync

create synch shows with video, audio and lights
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Joined: 07 December 2009, 16:32

For ultimate sync

Post by support »

TimeLine is an easy tool to manage all files (light and multimedia) together in one timeline project.

However it has its limitations. TimeLine does not embed its own media player engine ; it asks the OS to play the media file. And the result can be a few tens of seconds of lag. This depends of the size of the media file and its encryption.
This small lag is usually ok for the major "sound and light" projects, but if you need higher accuracy like a specific drum hit to a LED flash for instance, you may have to chose an external media file player as sync master.
You play the media file with a DAW, and you add midi notes in the DAW project to trigger the scene buttons in our software.

Please note also that Virtual DJ key points can also trigger scene buttons in our software (
Like this (DAW and VDJ), the sync will be very accurate.
The Lighting Controller

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