[Request]- Group Freeze

create pages with buttons to trigger scenes

[Request]- Group Freeze

Postby samwise309 » 17 April 2017, 19:24

So here's something I've noticed other LD's do that I would LOVE to be able to do with Live.

I have two sets of moving fixtures, a group of spots and a group of upstage washes. Dimmer effects, movements/positions, etc are applied to the whole rig in my show. It would be awesome if I could make a button to freeze just an individual group of fixtures that I assign. So, if I'm moving to a new position but I don't want my back washes to move, I can hit a freeze button so that the wash group doesn't get affected by anything I'm punting. Same could be said for dimmer effects; I could execute a dimmer sweep from left to right, but freeze a group of lights so that they stay unaffected until I unfreeze them.
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Joined: 20 September 2016, 00:08

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