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Buttons active when launching software [fixed]

Posted: 02 November 2022, 11:32
by genlitepro
First a little background, I am currently using Version 9.2.11, and have been since its release, It is installed on both my Lighting PC at church and my personal laptop. I often edit and create macros for the next weeks service at home, then transfer to my church's PC via dropbox. I have been doing this for quite some time. In the last two weeks there has been a "Change" in the behavior of the software in both PCs. Anytime I have launched the software in the past, all buttons are "off". Now, When I launch the software the certain buttons Buttons are active. They appear to be from a previously deleted Macro. Even if I clear all buttons when I exit showxpress, they come up "on" at the next launch. While this is easily dealt with by clearing all buttons with a button I created for that purpose, the change is unexplained, and I am thinking there might be a corrupted file somewhere in my show, and I dont want the issue to compound into a bigger one if so. I have checked all my preferences to make sure I haven't inadvertently changed any settings. The only major change I have made recently is adding artnet. Any ideas or things I need to check. I can send show files if needed, just not sure what you would need. Appreciate your help and love the software!

Re: Buttons active when launching software

Posted: 02 November 2022, 16:41
by Niffo
To my knowledge, the only way to have buttons active when launching the software is if they have the "Auto Start" flag activated.

Re: Buttons active when launching software

Posted: 03 November 2022, 10:48
by genlitepro
Thanks! I had to dig through some past shows. but it apparently was inadvertently turned on in a Macro I used a few weeks ago. I have never used that feature, honestly, never noticed it before. lol