BPM timing on 1step Step scenes

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BPM timing on 1step Step scenes

Postby Bobnjul » 17 October 2019, 15:34

I am struggling to create this...

I want to create a single step scene that would allow me to control the rate of a dimmer fade at a multiple of the BPM speed. Ideally, I want to create a one step scene that would move a dimmer or group of dimmers to 100% or 0% (or other specified value), then that one step's speed be controlled via the BPM setting. So then, on the button's speed setting in live buttons mode, I could set the BPM on the button to 4/1 and label it "4 beat dimmer fade" or 8/1 (labeling it "8 beat fade") so it will gradually fade the dimmers over the course of 4 or 8 BPM beats. I tried this just as explained it and it didn't work. I know I can put a speed percentage slider on the button and control the approximate speed of whatever second speed is in the step editor, but I'm looking for more precision then the speed slider provides.

I can see this BPM precision added two ways...

1) Simply allow the BPM setting to control the timing of a 1 step scene, or even better... allow us to have a fader on the button that controls that speed from 1/4 to 32/1


2) In the step scene editor, in the duration box for each step, allow us to use "number of beats" as an option for step length instead of seconds. That would allow us to create far more complex and interesting BPM scenes if we were able to define, for example, step 1 to be 1/2 a beat, and step 2 to 1/4 of a beat

Hope this made sense, and if I can do what I'm asking, and just can't figure it out, please set me straight.

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Joined: 07 December 2016, 01:01
Location: Powell (Columbus) Ohio

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