Strange Art-Net issue [fixed]

create scenes for multi-RGB channels fixtures
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Posts: 233
Joined: 20 January 2015, 22:16

Strange Art-Net issue [fixed]

Post by thorehl »

Can anyone verify that QuickDMX v9.2.11 + fix actually sends pixel dmx value 361-363 on Univ. 3 to the correct addr.?
I'm getting -2 on the address.
dmx 359 = 361 fixture
dmx 360 = 362 fixture
dmx 361 = 363 fixture

Univers 1 and 2 = OK
Thore - Freelance sound & light engeneer
Using HW: D1024 & D512
Controller: 2x Akai APC mini
my DIY light mixer
Posts: 233
Joined: 20 January 2015, 22:16

Re: Strange Art-Net issue

Post by thorehl »

Nevermind. Faulty batten.
Thore - Freelance sound & light engeneer
Using HW: D1024 & D512
Controller: 2x Akai APC mini
my DIY light mixer
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