general - working with GRB LEDs

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Joined: 22 June 2015, 13:10

general - working with GRB LEDs

Post by muscanto »

This was listed as a new feature. I think you intended the title to be RGB.

This is an awesome step in the right direction. I see how to use it in the generator but I am not exactly sure how to use it in the steps editor yet.

Is it still possible to get virtual dimmers? Where a virtual dimmer (fake channel) controls the intensity of the 3 RGB channels of a fixture that has no dimmer control? Both in steps and Generator?
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Joined: 07 November 2019, 20:26

Re: general - working with GRB LEDs

Post by dumbfungus »

Have you tried it yet? My lighting laptop is buried deep in storage, but I’m curious what it does and how it works.
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